Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Other Credit Card Sites & Blogs

I'm sure this is not the only blog or site you come to for credit card advice. I visit other sites to see what others are saying or doing.

One thing that amazes me with some sites is they promote themselves as a site to help you get out debt then have ads to apply for credit cards. What is up with that?

You go to their site for information on how to eliminate debt and they are offering you a way to get more debt. I think this is terrible and one of the main reasons why you will never see any credit card offers on my web site.

As I stated in previous posts I am working on a book which will help you eliminate debt. It is taking a little longer because there is a lot to be said about getting out of debt. The book should be done by first week of March. It will be available at

In any economy getting out of debt is very important key to your success. I have never read a book or article that states to become financially successful you need to stay in debt.

In fact, most state the opposite is your key to success. Another topic I am interested in writing is a book about putting yourself in a position to retire by eliminating debt within 5 years of retirement.

This will be an excellent book for all of you Baby Boomers who don't believe they can retire due to amount of debt and low retirement accounts.

I do believe it is possible, but it take discipline on your part to eliminate as much debt before retirement. Carrying a large house, car and credit card payments is a great way to NOT retire. Need for a plan is essential. This book should be done in March.

Look forward to getting both books completed and out to you very soon.

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