Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Importance of Reviewing Your Credit Report Annually

Everyone should review their credit reports annually. This means husband and wife, not just one spouse. The main reason both will not have same accounts on your credit reports.

I don't know how many times spouses are shocked about how different their reports are from each other. When taking a loan application I always would know when one spouse would ask, "do you have to pull both of our reports?"

This question was always a tip off that one of them had some credit card account that the other did not know about.

This is why both should review their credit report every year since sometimes mistakes are made.

Remember, humans are the people inputting information into your credit report. If that hit a number 3 instead of 5 you can become someone else.

If you do find an error contact the credit bureau with the wrong information. Another point to remember is that each credit bureau does its' own research independently. So one may show a credit card balance and the other two a zero balance.

Final tip is the only free place to get your credit report is annualcreditreport.com. The FTC approves of this site.

More information on credit reports in upcoming book.

LESSON: Review credit reports annually

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